Things You Must Know Before Pursuing Academics Abroad

So you plan to pursue your higher education abroad and you can’t wait to begin the new chapter of your life. Awesome!! Nothing can be better than that, however, there are a few prerequisites that you must meet before that. According to a Counsellor in Mumbai for abroad study who helps students take decisions related to studying abroad, there are so many things that students often overlook and regret later when they reach their destination. Travelling abroad is one thing but staying there, blending in there culture and leading a life there is a completely different thing. Also, there are several commercial and documentation related requirements that come in view. So, to make things simpler we spoke with some overseas MBBS consultants, some foreign education consultants and several other such professionals currently working in Mumbai about what kind of preparations should students do before moving abroad. Here are some of the highlighting things they said:
  • THe first thing that they need to take care of is visa and passport. Every student would need a valid visa and passport for reaching their destined nation. If they already have these documents, you need to ensure that it hasn’t passed its expiry date and wouldn’t expire within an year after you reach there. Also, ensure that the passport is left with some more blank pages if you have frequented abroad in last few months.
  • In case, you are going for passport for the first time, you need to carry all required documents including your birth certificate, passport size photos minimum 2, and some certified documentation like your voter’s card or aadhar card or something like that.
  • With respect to visa, if you are travelling during summers or for a course that lasts less than three months, you may or may not need a visa. Maximum countries permit students entrance in their nation for 2-3 months on tourist visa. But this fact has some exceptions which means you need to double check with the nation you are going to if they are ok with tourist visas or not.
  • Before you leave for any nation, make sure you are in a healthy state. It doesn’t matter where you go, every place will have its own challenges and weather peculiarities. You must have proper immunity in your body, it wouldn’t matter how hard you have prepared for a specific course if you end up sick a few months after the course. Also, almost every host country has its own immunization prerequisites for every student which means you need to meet those standards before you reach there. You will need a doctor who is completely p to date with basic health standard requirements for the nation you are going to. The best way to sort out this situation is to visit a travel doctor.
  • Another specific thing that you must look into is getting travel insurance. It is very crucial to have a reliable accident and health insurance policy that can cover all expenses abroad if you ever fall ill or meet some accident. Also, make sure you do proper research on the people, customs, and culture of the nation you plan to spend next few months or years in.
  • The consultants also advise the students to work over their language skills and look into their finances.


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